Ice Fantasia 2017 Information


Registration is coming soon for Ice Fantasia!  Members will be notified via email and through the website once registration dates are set. In order to provide you with an idea of practice days and fees, please read the following information.

All Preschool, Canskate and Intro Star skaters must be registered in a minimum one day session membership with USC.  All Junior Star, Senior Star and Advanced Star may be registered in a one day membership to participate but will be limited to the number of courts they will participate in.


  • Ice Show Practices will start on Monday March 20th, 2017 thru to April 21st, 2107. 
  • Continuity practice schedules for April 22nd, 2017 thru to April 26th, 2017 will be handed out closer to the show. 
  • Dress rehearsals will be held on April 27th, 2017 followed by the 4 shows.  

Preschool – All Preschool skaters will practice once per week and will be skating in the first half of the show.  Tentative practice days will be Wednesday, Friday or Saturday.

Canskate A, Canskate B and Canskate C – All Canskate skaters will practice twice per week and will be in the first half of the show.  Tentative practice days will be two of the following: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.

Intro Star – All Intro Star skaters will practice twice per week and will be in the second half of the show in one court and the finale.  Tentative practice days will be Wednesday and Friday.

Junior Star – All Junior Star skaters will practice twice per week for each court they are participating in.  All courts will be in the second half of the show and will be included in the finale.  Tentative practice days will be two of the following: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

Senior Star U13/O13 – All Senior Star skaters will practice twice per week for each court they are participating in.  All courts will be in the second half of the show and will be included in the finale.  Tentative practice days will be two of the following for each court: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday.

Advanced Star – All Advanced Star skaters will practice twice a week for each court they are participating in.  All skaters will be included in the Opening number as well as the Finale.  Tentative practice days will be two of the following for each court: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Saturday.

Preschool –                                                    $130.00
Canskate A, Canskate B, Canskate C –       $150.00
Intro Star                                                        $160.00
Junior Star and Senior Star
One day membership (2 courts)                                       $175.00
Two day membership or more (2 courts and closing)       $230.00
Advanced Star –
One day membership (2 courts)                                      $175.00
Two day membership or more (2 courts and closing)      $230.00

Ice Fantasia fees include practice ice starting March 20th, coaches’ choreography, costume rental for each court, tights (girls) and each skater will receive one program.  


Solo and Feature Skaters: Any Advanced skaters wishing to be considered for a solo/feature must be registered in a minimum two day membership.  All soloists and featured skaters will be notified individually if they have been chosen (based on a set of criteria!).  An extra fee of $80.00 will apply for featured skaters only.  All soloists will be responsible for their choreography fees as well as their costumes.

Reminder:  Due to the tight schedule of only 6 weeks, skaters missing more than 3 practices will no longer be permitted to participate in Ice Fantasia.

Who can help?

Here are your best points of contact:

General Inquiries: [email protected]

Ice Show Director, Sandra Osbaldeston: [email protected]

Ice Show Producer, Priscilla Cheung: [email protected]

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