Dec 9
News of the week
Ice Show: Thank you to all of our members who came out to the Ice Show information days to ask questions and drop off your completed registration forms. We are looking forward to a great show! Ice Show 2015 registration is now CLOSED. No more forms will be accepted. Thank you!
Red and Green week: is coming up! Dec 13-19
This is the week to wear RED and GREEN on the ice!! A funny sweater, red mittens, a green vest….whatever you have! We have been enjoying seeing all of the skater’s photos after each theme day and we hope you have too!
Test Day modifications in schedule: Thursday December 11 is High Test day
The following programs will be running: Please note the time changes:
6:40-7:00 pm Intermediate skills
7:00-7:50 pm Intermediate session
7:50-8:00 flood
8:00-9:00 pm Senior Session
There will be NO ADVANCED Skills or Session and no Senior skills. Only skaters who regularly skate on Thursday session are allowed to attend these classes.
Monday Dec 14 is also a Low Test Day
For those skaters who are potentially testing, the schedule will be released shortly. For members, please note that we have almost 100 skaters testing this day. ALL regularly scheduled classes will be cancelled this day. Good luck to everyone testing!
Old Tyme Christmas Parade
It was so nice to see our USC group of skaters in the parade! You looked great with your costumes and smiles! Let’s do it all again next year!
Save the Date: Saturday December 20–Skater Showcase and Skate with Santa!
Spend the morning watching our amazing soloists and all four of our competitive synchronized skating teams as well as our SynchroSkate group! These energetic groups of skaters will be performing their routines in between our talented solo skaters.
From 1:30-3:30 we will have our Annual Skate with Santa family skate. Come enjoy some hot chocolate and cookies while you skate. Santa will be there and watch out for the Grinch!
This is also the only time of year that our Sparkling Ice teams will reach out to the USC membership to raise funds for a trip to Sault St Marie in February. Look for 24 amazing Silent Auction baskets chock a block full of carefully donated items for you to bid on. Get some holiday shopping done and support our teams as well! There will be a 50-50 cash draw for the competitive group as well as Ice Show prime seating and parking being auctioned off! Don’t miss this exciting day at USC. Stay tuned for more details.
Nut awareness at USC
A friendly reminder that we do have skaters in our club with anaphylactic nut allergies. These allergies are life threatening. Please be cognizant of the fact that we make an effort to promote a NUT FREE environment just as the YRDSB and YRCDSB do. Please do not bring nuts as snacks or items that contain nuts to skating. While we realize that we are a multi use facility with other user groups, we strongly encourage families to support this initiative for our skaters’ safety.
Have a great week, USC!