Intermediate ” Momentum Team” / Novice /Pre-Novice
$40 – Tryout Flat Fee for all sessions
Skaters with Synchro experience and/or working on Jr. Silver Skills & Dances and above.
- Sunday, March 29th (Combined) ~ 5:45pm – 7:45pm, Magna Centre – Honda Rink
- Monday, March 30th (Combined) ~ 7:00pm – 9:00pm, Magna Centre – Forhan Rink
- Wednesday, April 1st (Intermediate Only) ~ 5:00pm – 6:30pm, Magna Centre – Hyundai Rink
- Sunday, April 12 (Novice/ Pre-Novice Only) ~ 5:45pm – 6:45pm, Magna Centre -Pfaff Rink
Please arrive 15 minutes early for each tryout session.
All Skaters should wear black leggings and t‐shirt/warm‐up jacket – NO HOODIES!
Visit www.icedenergy.org to download your Tryout Registration Form to complete & bring with you.
Cash or Cheque payable to “Iced Energy” accepted.
Please be advised that the number and levels of teams will be determined by the number, ages, and skill
level of the registered skaters.