welcome back! January news!
CanSkate and PreSchool news!
Welcome back! We have an exciting January planned for all of our Preschool and CanSkaters. JERSEY WEEK is coming up, January 16-21. Wear your favourite sports team jersey, soccer, baseball or other jersey from your own team! This is a much anticipated theme week and always a lot of fun!
Report cards: Before we know it, it will be March! Janice is kindly asking all Preschool and CanSkate parents to return their skater’s report cards to her. Thank you!
Looking back….Skate with Santa and Showcase!
We hope you had a chance to see our very talented solo and synchro skaters at the Showcase! We were all very happy to see Santa and even the Grinch! The 50-50 draw raised almost $500 and the Synchro Silent Auction raised over $2700! Ice Show tickets and parking were also a hit! Thank you so much for supporting USC.
Looking forward…..Attention coaches and parents of StarSkaters—pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Senior and Advanced skaters
Thursday Feb 5 is our next scheduled TEST DAY. It will be a combined High and Low test day. Our maximum lists are to be submitted to Skate Canada by January 15. We have been advised by Skate Canada Central Ontario that no additions can be made after that date. We strongly advise that due to the large numbers of tests anticipated, that you keep Feb 5th open as tests may start early afternoon. If you have conflicts, please advise the office before January 15. The next test days after Feb 5 are scheduled for March 9 (low) and March 12 (high) before March Break.
Competitive corner: Solo skaters, Sparkling Ice and Momentum!
Winter Glitters and Synchronized skating team Comps: We wish all of our solo skaters competing in Winter Glitters January 24-25 the best of luck!
Our competitive synchro teams are taking their show on the road again! Best wishes to our Beginner II, Elementary, Juvenile and Intermediate teams this month as they travel across the GTA and beyond to represent USC! The themes are Sunshine, Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat, The Lion King, and Les Miserables. GO SPARKLING ICE AND MOMENTUM!!!