USC FUN Day!!! Calling all CanSkaters!
Every non ice show year, USC hosts an amazing FUN day! This year’s FUN DAY will be held on Saturday March 29. We will also be celebrating Unionville Skating Club’s 60th year!!
Janice Pickering, our CanSkate Supervisor, has handed out forms to each skater over the past week. Please return a form and registration fee cheque for each skater that will be participating in the event. The registration form is attached for your convenience, and will also be posted to the USC website.
What is it? A morning (StarSkaters) and afternoon (CanSkaters) of fun on the ice! Come see what your skater has learned this season! There will be NO regular lessons on this day.
Forms and cheques are due in the office no later than the end of the day March 8, 2014.
Schedules and teams will be formulated once all of the forms are returned. Look for them about one week prior to the event.
StarSkaters, you will be receiving your forms shortly!
We are also looking for volunteers to help on and off the ice. Com’on out and get involved!
Looking forward to a FAB FUN DAY 201
Please Click “Here” to download the CanSkate -Fun Day Form